PR / Media
About is a backpacker information platform, where backpackers can mainly find information about Budget, Routes, Accommodation, Food & Drinks, Sightseeing Highlights, Tips & Tricks for Traveling and Visa information about all Countries in the world…
- Individual tourist find useful information and tips to organise their own tour
- Individual Traveller & Backpacker find ideas and stories from several authors for new travel and holiday destinations all around the world
- is an established and well-known backpacker information source for german speaking Individual Traveller & Backpacker
- is real, authentic, independent and professional
Target Group
Women and Man between the age of 20 and 35 years, who plan to travel for low or mid budget or are looking for travel stories and inspirations for their next holidays. Following travel styles are supported in the travel blog:
- Backpacking
- World Tour
- Individual Traveling
- Individual Holiday / Adventure
- Digital Nomads
Werbemöglichkeiten/PR im Blog
Ich teste euer Produkt (Reiseequipment, Unterkunft, Aktivitäten, Mietauto, Fluggesellschaft, Smartphoneapp, Kurse…) und schreibe darüber.
Gesponserte Artikel / Advertorials
Bezahlte Artikel zu Reiseequipment, Unterkünfte oder Reiseziele. Bitte kontaktieren Sie mich direkt und ich übersende Ihnen meine Konditionen.
Wenn Sie eine reisebezogene Marke repräsentieren würde ich mich gerne über mögliche (längerfristige) Partnerschaften mit Ihnen unterhalten (ggf. inklusive individueller Marketing Strategie mit einem einzigartigen Blickwinkel auf Ihre Marke oder Destination).
Presse- / Bloggerreisen
“Echtzeit”-Marketing auf meinen verschiedenen Social Media Kanälen (Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Youtube) und ausführliche Berichterstattung vor und nach der Presse- / Bloggerreise auf meinem Weltreise Blog.
Vorträge / Workshops
Gerne spreche ich auch auf Ihrer Veranstaltung, Konferenz oder Firmenmeeting über die folgenden Themen:
- Professionelles bloggen & Reisebloggen
- Langzeitreisen, Arbeiten & Studieren im Ausland
- Backpacking, Individualreisen & günstig Reisen
Chris Wilpert – Short Portrait
I always travelled individual through the world, but after my 15 month long world tour I definitely call myself an expert for Backpacking and world tours. All in all I travelled through 50+ countries and 5 continents. After the successful world tour blog I wanted to became a professional Travel Blogger and make my passion to my job. I live as a Digital Nomad!
Since December 2016 I am on my 2nd world tour for 3 to 5 years around the world. That’s why I registered my own Company and start to be self-employed. Traveling means for me getting to know different cultures & people, make new experiences and try out new activities.
During my Masters in Science (Business Computing) I collected my first skills in marketing. Through different positions later on I become a SEO Consultant and work for my own company SeoLift & Consulting LLC.
Traveling is my biggest passion! For me it is a pleasure to inspire and motivate other people to travel! I am happy to help as much people as I can with my expert knowledge to support them organising their own travel plans.